2-Minute Tutorials
Very short on-demand webinars.
What you need to know in a nutshell
In B2B transactions, not all customers pay the same price. Make sure your suppliers make their windfall profits elsewhere.
Knowledge is Power. Silent Slope knowledge empowers you to negotiate lower prices and create competitive advantage for your organization.
Watch the video and then download the 10-Point Summary (PDF)
Focus on Metal products and components
This “2-minute tutorial” explains how to build a Negotiator’s Should Cost Model and then deploy it to your advantage at the negotiating table.
Watch the video and then download the 8-Point Summary (PDF)
Focus on Plastic products and components
This “2-minute tutorial” explains how to build a Negotiator’s Should Cost Model and then deploy it to your advantage at the negotiating table.
Watch the video and then download the 8-Point Summary (PDF)
4) PRICE CREEP – How to Stop It for Good
5) The Negotiating Tactic Every Procurement Professional Should Know
The next time you receive a “We are writing to inform you” letter announcing a price increase, push back with this ingenious response invented by our colleague, Mike Brown. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results.
Watch the video and then download the PDF Anti Foo Foo Template
6) Outstanding Procurement Pros Prioritize this Practice
They’ve learned how to use plant tours to find best-fit (aka low-cost) suppliers. The struggle to find “good fit” suppliers never ends. And finding the right suppliers has never been more important than it is right now – so you gotta go look.
Watch the video and then read more: Plant Tours Worth Every Minute
7) Simple Works Best – Should Cost Models with only one raw material
Negotiators’ Should Cost Models built with only one raw material are surprisingly effective and easy to build.
This ‘2-Minute Tutorial’ that explains why the best 1st-pass models often contain only one material.
8) Turn Sales Reps into Champions for Your Cause – lower pricing
Sales Reps are natural allies – they want to sell; and you want to buy. And so, if price is an obstacle, they will be keen to remove it too. Arming them to help you achieve lower pricing is the subject of this presentation.
Watch the video and then download the PDF: Arm Your Sales Rep Help Your Cause
9) Forecasting Purchase Costs – How to navigate this career minefield.
Are you asked to budget or forecast purchase costs? If so, you know how tough it is: predicting prices can be like tossing a coin. Which is a huge problem – being wrong half the time is never a good career move!
Watch the video and then Download the Forecasting – Tips for Navigating this Career Minefield TMT Handout (PDF)
10) How I Learned to Look Forward to Price Increase Notices
Suppliers constantly justify raising prices by pointing to higher production costs (usually raw materials or labor).
It may seem counterintuitive, but this approach actually creates a negotiating opening.
This short tutorial explains how to exploit this opening to build a lower-cost, more robust supply chain.
11) How to Boost Your Negotiating Leverage Using ProPurchaser
Rod Sherkin explains how to use ProPurchaser to push back price increases with the authority that comes from data-backed authority.
Twenty minutes well spent, we think you’ll agree.
12) These 3 Practices Will Boost Your Career- the power of data-driven negotiating
Rod Sherkin describes three Procurement Practices that will drive down purchase costs; strengthen your supply chain; and advance your career, by quantifying the value you create.
Thirty minutes well spent, we think you will agree.
13) Land the promotion you want. The core of a compelling resumé
There are two things a break-through resumé needs to shout out – accomplishments and capabilities.
This webinar focuses on building and writing a resumé that propels you to the front of the line.
We are here to help.
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